Monday, July 20, 2015

Comb Transplant - TwoWeeksLater

Two weeks ago, we posted a video about honey comb transplants using the traditional rubber band method supplemented with CombForms.

Here are the results of those transplants.

The traditional method for transplanting comb to a frame when performing a cut out, saving mis-built or misplace comb is to use rubber band to affix the comb using rubber bands. Adding CombForms improves the chances of success.

This video is a followup to the video posted two weeks ago titled: Honey Comb Transplants with CombForms.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

From Randy Oliver

I just received the following from Randy Oliver: 

"John, interesting invention.  I've often wanted a spacer with openings of beespace dimension, so that the bees would not build comb in that space.Best of luck to you in bringing this to market."
Randy's website is at his articles are a regular feature in the American Bee Journal and many other journals.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Expanding the Hive by Using CombForms™

It takes eight pounds of honey to make one pound of wax. From the bees perspective that 25 - 35 pounds of nectar! 
Assisting the bees by guiding them to build straight even comb reduces the amount of problem comb that gets wasted due to false starts.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Honey Comb Transplants with CombForms

Sometimes it is necessary to transplant comb into a new frame so that it doesn't get wasted and can continue to be used by the bees. This video is about a method that can be used for saving brood or comb when you are working with a cut out, cross comb or comb that fills a space where you forgot to put a frame.