
 CombForms Campaign

More on CombForms

CombForms is designed to improve the beekeeping experience. CombForms works with the bees natural instincts to guide them to produce uniform, straight comb. They were designed to have the right size, shape, and spacing. The hexagonal holes and use of "bee space" communicates with the honeybees in a language they understand. The initial trials with CombForms show we can guide bees where to build and sometimes more importantly where not to build their comb.  
Image of a prototype used for 3D printing and initial field trials

Image of mold design used for production

The Inventor

John Banta
John is an Indoor Environmental Quality Specialist with Degrees in Environmental Health Science, Zoology and Animal Science, and over 39 years of combined experience in these fields. He is co-author of the book Prescriptions for a Healthy House: A Practical Guide for Architects, Builders and Homeowners. He is author of Extreme Weather Hits Home: Protecting your buildings from Climate Change. He has a deep interest in improving beekeeping's future by improving past methods and techniques.


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